Operations management

Bhattacharya, Subimal

Operations management - New Delhi PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. 2014 - xx, 576 p.

A successful Operations Management (OM) requires a totality perspective: it has to have a cross-functional approach, involving all operations functions, such as Engineering, Human Resource Management (HRM), Purchasing, Manufacturing, Logistics, Accounting, Finance, and Marketing. This book comprehensively delves on all components of Operations Management, and pans out practical approaches for their effective and efficient handling. The book shows how Operations Management integrates the Top management, i.e. strategic level; Middle management, i.e. tactical level; and Functional management, i.e. operational slevel functions, to complement each other. Divided into 11 sections containing 28 chapters, the book extensively elucidates processes to formulate successful products and services, tools and measures of quality control standards (TQM), and various effective Supply Chain Management techniques. Along with theoretical expositions, the concepts are exemplified with Real-Life Cases and Examples throughout. The book is primarily intended for the postgraduate students of Management and Engineering—Production, Industrial and Mechanical. Also, the book will be equally useful for the management and engineering professionals.


Operations management

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