Power sexuality gender dynamics at work

Sen, Roop

Power sexuality gender dynamics at work - New Delhi Sage Publications India Pvt. Ltd. 2021 - xx, 216 p.

Table of Contents:

1: Easy flirting or coercive persuasion
2: Crying foul!
3: The whistle blower
4: Bystanders' betrayal
5: What is one's own business, anyway?
6: Soft targets?
7: A man's gaze
8: Being illegal
9: Personal versus professional : conflict in non-profit
10: Morality and judgements of ICC members
11: Love, power and patriarchy
12: Quid pro quo
13: Taking action
14: Sexual harassment laws : the good, the bad, the inadequate
15: The moot questions

Power, Sexuality and Gender Dynamics at Work explores the friction between people with different gender and sexual identities in corporate organizations. While organizations genuinely want to promote gender balance and remove biases against sexual minorities, the experiences, struggles and doubts therein have remained undisclosed. Moreover, D&I and POSH initiatives driving this agenda through political correctness are restrictive. In this book, authors use organizational lived experiences to analyse interpersonal conflicts, dilemmas and dynamics that manifest in accusations and grief, often leaving leaders and managers perplexed. Read along as they grapple with a complex phenomenon and advocate tapping the potential of creativity, compassion and trust between different genders, identities and orientations.


Sex Discrimination in Employment
Work environment--Social aspects
Sexual Minorities - Employment

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