Business recoded: have the courage to create a better future for yourself and your business (Record no. 2752)

MARC details
fixed length control field 10521nam a22002297a 4500
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International Standard Book Number 9781119679868
Classification number 658.4063
Item number FIS
Personal name Fisk, Peter
Title Business recoded: have the courage to create a better future for yourself and your business
Name of publisher, distributor, etc. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Place of publication, distribution, etc. New Jersey
Date of publication, distribution, etc. 2021
Extent lvii, 470 p.
365 ## - TRADE PRICE
Price type code USD
Price amount 22.00
Bibliography, etc. note TABLE OF CONTENTS<br/>Introduction: Recode xvii<br/><br/>Business needs a new code for success xvii<br/><br/>Why do we need to recode? xviii<br/><br/>The future isn’t like it used to be xx<br/><br/>The new DNA of business xxii<br/><br/>The new DNA of business xxiv<br/><br/>The new DNA of leadership xxvii<br/><br/>Have the courage to lead the future xxx<br/><br/>Inspirations to change your world xxxi<br/><br/>Inspiration 1 Eliud Kipchoge xxxi<br/><br/>Inspiration 2 DeepMind xxxvi<br/><br/>Inspiration 3 Tan Le xl<br/><br/>Inspiration 4 Satya Nadella xliii<br/><br/>Inspiration 5 Mary Barra xlvii<br/><br/>Inspiration 6 Jack Ma l<br/><br/>Inspiration 7 JK Rowling liv<br/><br/>SHIFT 1 AURORA: Recode your future 1<br/><br/>How will you reinvent your business for a better future? 1<br/><br/>Code 1 What’s your future potential? 3<br/><br/>Look forwards not back 5<br/><br/>What’s your future potential? 9<br/><br/>Leaders need to be farsighted 14<br/><br/>Code 2 Have a future mindset 19<br/><br/>Open your mind to newness 20<br/><br/>Grow yourself, and your business 24<br/><br/>Create the future in your own vision 26<br/><br/>Code 3 Imagine a better business 28<br/><br/>The deep flaws of capitalism 28<br/><br/>Business as a platform for change 31<br/><br/>The $12 trillion opportunity of the SDGs 35<br/><br/>Code 4 Find your inspiring purpose 38<br/><br/>Finding your purpose 39<br/><br/>Purpose-driven companies do better 41<br/><br/>Turning inspiring purpose into practical action 44<br/><br/>Code 5 Create your future story 47<br/><br/>What’s your future story? 48<br/><br/>Pixar and the hero’s journey 51<br/><br/>The future story of your business 52<br/><br/>Code 6 Deliver more positive impact 54<br/><br/>Profitability and value creation 55<br/><br/>From shareholders to stakeholders 57<br/><br/>Smarter choices, positive impact 60<br/><br/>Code 7 Be the radical optimist 62<br/><br/>Believe in better 63<br/><br/>Be curious and optimistic 66<br/><br/>Be the change 68<br/><br/>Summary: How will you recode your future? 70<br/><br/>SHIFT 2 KOMOREBI: Recode your growth 73<br/><br/>Where are the best opportunities to grow further and faster? 73<br/><br/>Code 8 Ride with the megatrends 75<br/><br/>Code 9 Find new sources of growth 86<br/><br/>Finding the future first 88<br/><br/>Seeing things differently 91<br/><br/>The 12 sources of growth 93<br/><br/>Code 10 Embrace the Asian century 96<br/><br/>Incredible Asia 98<br/><br/>The new Silk Roads 100<br/><br/>Learning from growth markets 102<br/><br/>Code 11 Embrace technology and humanity 107<br/><br/>The 4th Industrial Revolution 108<br/><br/>AI is rocket fuel for growth 113<br/><br/>Humanising technology 117<br/><br/>Code 12 Start from the future back 120<br/><br/>Jump to the future 121<br/><br/>Explore future scenarios 122<br/><br/>Map the growth horizons 125<br/><br/>Code 13 Accelerate through networks 128<br/><br/>The exponential value of networks 129<br/><br/>Linear business vs. network business 131<br/><br/>15 types of network effects 133<br/><br/>Code 14 Build a growth portfolio 136<br/><br/>Infinite and invincible 138<br/><br/>Exploit the present and explore the future 139<br/><br/>Leading for relentless growth 141<br/><br/>Summary: How will you recode your growth? 142<br/><br/>SHIFT 3 TRANSCENDENT: Recode your market 145<br/><br/>How will you reshape your market to your advantage? 145<br/><br/>Code 15 Explore the market matrix 147<br/><br/>Blurred boundaries 147<br/><br/>Multi-dimensional markets 150<br/><br/>What business are you really in? 153<br/><br/>Code 16 Disrupt the disruptors 155<br/><br/>Every market is disrupted 155<br/><br/>How corporates can disrupt the disruptors 158<br/><br/>Change the game to your advantage 159<br/><br/>Code 17 Capture the customer agenda 162<br/><br/>The new customer agenda 163<br/><br/>The new customer value equation 165<br/><br/>Code 18 Create new market spaces 168<br/><br/>Creating new markets 169<br/><br/>Power to the people 171<br/><br/>Every business is a “consumer” business 173<br/><br/>Code 19 Build trust with authenticity 176<br/><br/>Trust is a defining issue 177<br/><br/>Being real, authentic and transparent 179<br/><br/>People trust people 181<br/><br/>Code 20 Develop brands with purpose 183<br/><br/>Brands are about people not products 184<br/><br/>Build a manifesto brand 186<br/><br/>Deliver better value propositions 189<br/><br/>Code 21 Enable people to achieve more 191<br/><br/>Enabling more 192<br/><br/>Building a brand community 194<br/><br/>Communities built on passions 196<br/><br/>Summary: How will you recode your market? 197<br/><br/>SHIFT 4 INGENUITY: Recode your innovation 201<br/><br/>What does it take to drive more radical innovation? 201<br/><br/>Code 22 Be ingenious 203<br/><br/>Imagination, creativity and innovation 204<br/><br/>Imagining better 207<br/><br/>Amore inspired approach to innovation 210<br/><br/>Code 23 Search for better ideas 213<br/><br/>Where do good ideas come from? 214<br/><br/>Troublemakers and rulebreakers 217<br/><br/>Start by asking better questions 218<br/><br/>Code 24 Embrace a designer mindset 221<br/><br/>Design as creative problem-solving 222<br/><br/>Human-centred thinking 223<br/><br/>Design is function and form 226<br/><br/>Code 25 Create unusual connections 228<br/><br/>Creative fusions 229<br/><br/>Inspired by nature 231<br/><br/>Inspired by parallel markets 233<br/><br/>Code 26 Develop new business models 235<br/><br/>Innovating the whole business 237<br/><br/>Defining the business model 238<br/><br/>Innovating the business model 240<br/><br/>Code 27 Experiment with speed and agility 243<br/><br/>Fast experiments 244<br/><br/>Scale and multiply 246<br/><br/>“It’s always Day 1” 250<br/><br/>Code 28 Dream crazy 252<br/><br/>The moonshot factory 252<br/><br/>10x better, not just 10% 254<br/><br/>Creating the future at X 255<br/><br/>Summary: How will you recode your innovation? 257<br/><br/>SHIFT 5 UBUNTU: Recode your organisation 261<br/><br/>How can the best teams achieve more together? 261<br/><br/>Code 29 Do human, inspiring work 263<br/><br/>Rise of the superhumans 264<br/><br/>The future of work 267<br/><br/>More human, more creative, more female 270<br/><br/>Code 30 Work as a living organisation 272<br/><br/>The quantum mechanics of business 273<br/><br/>Organisations as living organisms 276<br/><br/>The end of hierarchy 279<br/><br/>Code 31 Collaborate in fast projects 281<br/><br/>Teams beat individuals 283<br/><br/>From functions to projects 284<br/><br/>Fast and collaborative projects 285<br/><br/>Code 32 Align individuals and organisations 287<br/><br/>Individuals and Organisations 288<br/><br/>Inclusion drives cognitive diversity 290<br/><br/>Code 33 Create energy and rhythm 291<br/><br/>Learning as your advantage 293<br/><br/>Energising people 296<br/><br/>The rhythm of progress 298<br/><br/>Code 34 Be an extreme team 300<br/><br/>Create your “Kapa o Pango” 300<br/><br/>The team always wins 302<br/><br/>Fearless and fearsome 304<br/><br/>Code 35 Build a butterfly business 306<br/><br/>Ecosystems beat egosystems 307<br/><br/>Platforms transform markets 310<br/><br/>The “butterfly” business 313<br/><br/>Summary: How will you recode your organisation? 315<br/><br/>SHIFT 6 SYZYGY: Recode your transformation 319<br/><br/>What does it take to transform your business effectively? 319<br/><br/>Code 36 Transform your business 321<br/><br/>Business transformation 323<br/><br/>Pivot to a new space 325<br/><br/>Evolve to revolve 327<br/><br/>Code 37 Exploit the core, explore the edge 329<br/><br/>Transform for today and tomorrow 330<br/><br/>Dual Transformation 331<br/><br/>Shifting the core 333<br/><br/>Code 38 Start outside in, and inside out 334<br/><br/>Outside in 336<br/><br/>Inside Out 337<br/><br/>Transforming with purpose 339<br/><br/>Code 39 Engage people in change 340<br/><br/>Boiling frogs and burning platforms 341<br/><br/>Change as an emotional rollercoaster 343<br/><br/>Leading the change 346<br/><br/>Code 40 Build rocket ships to the future 347<br/><br/>Innovation Labs 349<br/><br/>Incubators and accelerators 350<br/><br/>Build your own rocket ship 351<br/><br/>Code 41 Create a circular ecosystem 353<br/><br/>Doughnut economics 354<br/><br/>Circular design 356<br/><br/>Net positive impact 359<br/><br/>Code 42 Have the strategic agility to never stop 361<br/><br/>The never-ending journey 362<br/><br/>Strategic agility 366<br/><br/>Emotional agility 368<br/><br/>Summary: How will you recode your transformation? 369<br/><br/>SHIFT 7 AWESTRUCK: Recode your leadership 373<br/><br/>Do you have the courage to create a better future? 373<br/><br/>Code 43 Step up to lead the future 375<br/><br/>What is leadership? 376<br/><br/>Leaders shape the future 377<br/><br/>Leaders with purpose 381<br/><br/>Code 44 Have the courage to do more 382<br/><br/>Dare to be more 383<br/><br/>Vulnerability and confidence 386<br/><br/>Code 45 Develop your own leadership style 390<br/><br/>How great leaders grow 392<br/><br/>What’s your best leadership style? 396<br/><br/>Evaluating leaders 399<br/><br/>Code 46 Achieve your peak performance 404<br/><br/>Finding your future flow 404<br/><br/>Playing to your strengths 407<br/><br/>The leader’s plastic brain 409<br/><br/>Code 47 Build endurance and resilience 411<br/><br/>The endurance of leaders 412<br/><br/>The resilience of leaders 415<br/><br/>The gratitude of leaders 418<br/><br/>Code 48 Create a better legacy 420<br/><br/>What will you give to the future? 421<br/><br/>How will you create a better world? 424<br/><br/>Letter to the future 429<br/><br/>Code 49 Be extraordinary 431<br/><br/>The people we admire most 433<br/><br/>How will you find your “extra” ordinary? 435<br/><br/>A good time to be extraordinary 437<br/><br/>Summary: How will you recode your leadership? 439<br/><br/>Doing more 443<br/><br/>Online resources 445<br/><br/>Acknowledgements 447<br/><br/>About the author 451<br/><br/>Index 453
520 ## - SUMMARY, ETC.
Summary, etc. Business Recoded is for business leaders who seek to progress in today’s rapidly changing world, and to create the organisations that will thrive in tomorrow's world. It explores how to lead a better future, to reimagine your business, to reinvent markets, to energise your people. It describes how to combine profit with more purpose, intelligent technologies with creative people, radical innovation with sustainable impact. It dives deep into the minds of some of today's most inspiring business leaders - people like Anne Wojcicki and Jeff Bezos, Emily Weiss and Devi Shetty, Daniel Ek and Tan Le, Mary Barra and Masayoshi Son, Satya Nadella and Zhang Ruimin.<br/><br/>Learn from the innovative strategies of incredible companies – Alibaba and Amazon, Babylon and BlackRock, Meituan Dianping and Microsoft, Narayana Health and Netflix, Patagonia and PingAn, Spotify and Supercell, and many more.<br/><br/>The book is built on 7 seismic shifts driving a more enlightened future of business, unlocking 49 codes that collectively define a new DNA for organisations and their leadership. It's about you – realising your future potential - by developing your own codes for more enlightened progress, personal and business success.
Topical term or geographic name as entry element Success in business
Topical term or geographic name as entry element Organizational change
Topical term or geographic name as entry element Reengineering (Management)
Topical term or geographic name as entry element Organizational effectiveness
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Koha item type Book
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    Dewey Decimal Classification     Marketing TB675 10-06-2022 Indian Institute of Management LRC Indian Institute of Management LRC General Stacks 07/04/2022 Technical Bureau India Pvt. Ltd. 1157.20   658.4063 FIS 002610 07/04/2022 1760.00 07/04/2022 Book

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