Dangi, H. K.

Business research methods - New Delhi Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd. 2019 - xx, 379 p.

Chapter 1 Introduction to Business Research Methods

Chapter 2 Research Design

Chapter 3 Measurement Scales

Chapter 4 Data Collection Method

Chapter 5 Questionnaire Design

Chapter 6 Sampling Design

Chapter 7 Field Work and Data Preparation

Chapter 8 Preliminary Data Analysis

Chapter 9 Hypothesis Testing

Chapter 10 Analysis of Variance (Anova)

Chapter 11 Correlation and Regression

Chapter 12 Multivariate Data Analysis

Chapter 13 Report Writing and Presentation

Chapter 14 Ethics in Business Research

Appendix: Selected Statistical Tables

Business research methods presents terms and techniques of research in a simple and crisp manner. The aim of the book is to present research methods covering all aspects of undergraduate and postgraduate curricula of commerce and management. The book will also be of substantial benefit to doctoral students.

The book covers topics related to complete research process from problem identification to report writing. The book also provides a wide range of real-life examples and illustrations.



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