Kamineni, Rajeev

Indian movie entrepreneurship: not just song and dance - New York Routledge 2020 - xvii, 133 p.

Table of Contents
1. Indian Movie Entrepreneurship: Opening Credits

2. Indian Movie Diversity: The Different Woods

3. Entrepreneurial Movie Producers in India

4. Green Lighting: Resourcing Movies in India

5. Managing Indian Movie Stars: Starry Tantrums, Combination Craze

6. Blockbusters and Bombs in the Indian Movie Business

7. The Future of Entrepreneurship in Indian Cinema: Closing Credits

Book Description
One of the world’s most prolific creative industries, the Indian movie industry

has received scant attention for its spirit of enterprise. Indian Movie Entrepreneurship

addresses this omission.

For many readers, it might come as a surprise that the Indian movie industry is

not just Bollywood and that it has several regional clusters, which are just as vibrant,

with a significant output. The authors begin by outlining the contours of Indian

cinema and the different regional language hubs that form part of the larger picture.

The reader is then offered a glimpse into the actual process of making a film

from day zero to release day. The key players in the Indian movie ecosystem are

analysed, with the central role of the producer highlighted. Concluding with a look

into the future of the entrepreneurial process in the Indian movie industry, the

authors illuminate the shifting parameters of distribution and exhibition.

Appealing to those interested in understanding the entrepreneurial journey of

the Indian movie industry, the book provides a sneak peek into the business

landscape of India more broadly.


Motion Picture Industry - India
Motion pictures

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