Pradhan, Anubhav

Composing mobile apps: learn, explore, apply - New Delhi Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. 2014 - xviii, 266 p.

Table of content
Part I Introduction

Chapter 1 Mobility and Android

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Mobility Panorama

1.3 Mobile Platforms

1.4 App Development Approaches

1.5 Android Overview

Chapter 2 Getting Started with Android

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Setting up Development Environment

2.3 Saying Hello to Android

2.4 Traversing an Android App Project Structure

2.5 Logical Components of an Android App

2.6 Android Tool Repository

2.7 Installing and Running App Devices

Chapter 3 Learning with an Application - 3CheersCable

3.1 Introduction

3.2 3CheersCable App

3.3 Mobile App Development Challenges

3.4 Tenets of a Winning App

Part II Building Blocks

Chapter 4 App User Interface

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Activity

4.3 UI Resources

4.4 UI Elements and Events

4.5 Let’s Apply

4.6 Interaction among Activities

4.7 Let’s Apply

4.8 Fragments

4.9 Let’s Apply

4.10 Action Bar

4.11 Let’s Apply

Chapter 5 App Functionality - Beyond UI

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Threads

5.3 AsyncTask

5.4 Let’s Apply

5.5 Service

5.6 Notifications

5.7 Intents and Intent Resolution

5.8 Broadcast Receivers

5.9 Telephony and SMS

5.10 Let’s Apply

Chapter 6 App Data - Persistence and Access

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Flat Files

6.3 Shared Preferences

6.4 Let’s Apply

6.5 Relational Data

6.6 Data Sharing Across Apps

6.7 Enterprise Data

6.8 Let’s Apply

Part III Sprucing Up

Chapter 7 Graphics and Animation

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Android Graphics

7.3 Android Animation

7.4 Let’s Apply

Chapter 8 Multimedia

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Audio, Video and Images

8.3 Playback 185

8.4 Let’s Apply

8.5 Capture and Storage

Chapter 9 Location Services and Maps

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Google Play Services

9.3 Location Services

9.4 Maps

Chapter 10 Sensors

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Sensors in Android

10.3 Android Sensor Framework

10.4 Motion Sensors

10.5 Position Sensors

10.6 Environment Sensors

10.7 Let’s Apply

Part IV Moving To Market

Chapter 11 Testing Android Apps

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Testing Android App Components

11.3 App Testing Landscape Overview

Chapter 12 Publishing Apps

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Groundwork

12.3 Configuring

12.4 Packaging

12.5 Distributing



Composing Mobile Apps attempts to present various mobile app development approaches and technologies along with required hands-on knowledge to deal with the nitty-gritties of designing, developing, validating, packaging and publishing them. A live mobile app has been built incrementally throughout the book using Android.


Composing mobile apps

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