Krishnaraj, Mohan

User expectations / experience the great balancing act - New Delhi Wiley India Pvt. Ltd. 2019 - 144 p.

Table of content
Why Should Design Lead Engineering?
From Ramen Noodles to the Enterprise:
Five Best Practices to Applying Design-Led Engineering
The First Step to Business Transformation:
Journeying with your User
Stocking Up Your Toolbox:
UX Techniques
Leveraging Prototyping:
To Fail Fast and Succeed Faster
In Practice:
Letting Design Lead the Way

With an aim to unravel and demystify the science and art of User Experience (UX), The Great Balancing Act is a hands-on guide to imbibe a design-led approach in today's experience economy. It uncovers common pitfalls, debunks the usual misconceptions that surround the field of UX and provides transformational insights into the core philosophies that guide user centricity. The interactive structure of the book that weaves together physical and digital interactions provides for an engaging and experiential read. Drawing on the learnings and experiences gained over two decades in the industry, The Great Balancing Act will help you get your foot in the door and make your mark in today's design-driven world.


Work--Psychological aspects
Leisure--Psychological aspects

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