Owen, Jo

The leadership skills handbook: 50 essential skills you need to be a leader - 2nd - London Kogan Page Limited 2012 - viii, 256 p.

Description: The Leadership Skills Handbook, from best-selling author Jo Owen, reveals the essential skills you need to be an effective leader. It shows you what works in practice, not in theory. Each skill is presented in a concise, easy-to-follow format. The skills are about the real challenges real leaders have to master.

Based on research from over a thousand leaders in the public, private and voluntary sectors, it identifies the practical skills needed to make you even more successful, and offers guidance on key topics such as:

• understanding yourself and others
• managing your career
• delegating and motivating
• selling
• coaching
• conflict management
• crisis management
• problem solving
• decision making
• projects
• presenting
• managing change
• creating a vision

This completely revised second edition of The Leadership Skills Handbook is about more than just technical skills, it is also about developing the people skills, behaviours and values you will need. Full of tips, exercises and practical wisdom, it will help you to become a leader people want to follow.



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