Ahuja, Ravindra K.

Network flows: theory, algorithms, and applications - New Delhi Pearson India Education Services Pvt. Ltd. 2014 - xv, 846 p.

Table of Content
1. Introduction.
2. Paths, Trees and Cycles.
3. Algorithm Design and Analysis.
4. Shortest Paths: Label Setting Algorithms.
5. Shortest Paths: Label Correcting Algorithms.
6. Maximum Flows: Basic Ideas.
7. Maximum Flows: Polynomial Algorithms.
8. Maximum Flows: Additional Topics.
9. Minimum Cost Flows: Basic Algorithms.
10. Minimum Cost Flows: Polynomial Algorithms.
11. Minimum Cost Flows: Network Simplex Algorithms.
12. Assignments and Matchings.
13. Minimum Spanning Trees.
14. Convex Cost Flows.
15. Generalized Flows.
16. Lagrangian Relaxation and Network Optimization.
17. Multicommodity Flows.
18. Computational Testing of Algorithms.
19. Additional Applications.
Appendix A: Data Structures.
Appendix B: NP-Completeness.
Appendix C: Linear Programming.

A comprehensive introduction to network flows that brings together the classic and the contemporary aspects of the field, and provides an integrative view of theory, algorithms, and applications.


Network analysis (Planning)
Mathematical optimization

658.4032 / AHU