Can we talk?:

Matuson, Roberta Chinsky

Can we talk?: seven principles for managing difficult conversations at work - UK Kogan Page Limited 2022 - ix, 214 p.

Table of contents
Chapter - 00: Introduction - The Seven Principles for Managing Difficult Conversations;Chapter - 01: Confidence - Trusting Yourself and the Other Party;Chapter - 02: Clarity - Making Your Point Clearly and Listening with an Open Mind;Chapter - 03: Compassion - Be Empathetic and Understanding;Chapter - 04: Curiosity - Asking Questions Rather Than Shutting Down;Chapter - 05: Compromise - Earn Respect by Respecting Others;Chapter - 06: Credibility - Recognizing Your Word Is Only as Good as Your Actions;Chapter - 07: Courage - Navigating the Obstacles;Chapter - 08: Bringing It All Together

About the book
WINNER: Independent Press Award 2022 - Career

Are you avoiding an uncomfortable conversation at work? If you're an executive or a team leader, strengthening your organization's ability to have difficult conversations is necessary and worth the discomfort.

The key to successful dialogue starts and ends with changing the conversation. Recognizing that it takes two people to engage in meaningful outcomes, Can We Talk? outlines what each contributor needs to do to achieve the best possible result. Using examples from everyday work situations, this book offers guidance on how to create the right conditions for a meaningful discussion. The author identifies the seven key principles that enable both parties to gain a deeper understanding of what the other person may be thinking and will help establish their point of view more clearly: confidence, clarity, compassion, curiosity, compromise, credibility, courage.

Can We Talk? includes examples and advice from those who have been there and thrived, as well as lessons learned from conversation failures and example scripts of productive conversations. Readers will learn how to prepare, start and manage the potentially challenging exchange of words that typically occur at work, and come away with an understanding that for any conversation to take place, both parties must be engaged.


Personnel management
Communication in management
Interpersonal conflict

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